Spiritual Assessment-Part 1
Don’t be frightened!! All plans have to start somewhere, and this first step is simply discovering the starting point for your plan. Some people call this a “reality check”. What we are going to do is take a snapshot of where you are in life from a spiritual point of view, from a financial point of view, and from a personal point of view. This is not a test so don’t worry about handing anything in. I do, however, want you to write these things down. Don’t worry; I will prompt you and provide space to write. Some of the items should be addressed by each member of your management team, but some apply to your team (family) as a whole. It would be a good idea for you to go through this exercise together because it is important for everyone on the team to be on the same page. Later on in the planning process you will be seeking input from individual team members and it will be most efficient if they are all up to speed at that point in time.
Some of you may be thinking that we should begin by setting goals and objectives, but trust me. I have facilitated this process many times and until people have a good “fix” on where they are at present, they can’t set realistic goals (the second step) for the future.
Secular planning (for non-Christians) does not have a spiritual component. However, because we are charged with managing God’s resources, it is important to establish the quality of our relationship with Him. This will have a huge impact on the other steps in the planning process and the way in which they are carried out.
1. How did you become a Christian?
a. Eph 1:3-8 ______________________________________________________________
b. 1 Cor 6:17-20, 1 Cor 7:23, 1 Pet 1:18-19, 2 Pet 2:1(kjv) ___________________________
c. Rom 10:9, John 1:12, John 5:24 ____________________________________________
2. Do you recall when you received Christ as your personal savior/believed the gospel?
Day? ________ Month? ________ Year? ________
3. Do you remember any of the circumstances surrounding your salvation “experience”? Briefly explain: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. How would you describe your church attendance? ☐Sunday morning worship, ☐Sunday evening/small group, ☐ Wed. evening prayer meeting or other ministry, ☐Other church programs-functions-activities
5. How frequently do you attend/participate in any of the above? ☐ Always-almost always, ☐ Frequently, ☐ Sometimes, ☐Seldom, ☐Never/almost never
6. Why do you attend church? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. What are your spiritual gifts and how are you using them? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8. How are you serving God at your church?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9. Are you involved in any para-church ministries (BSF, Gideons, Campus Crusade, Christian Women’s Club, Promise Keepers, etc.?) ☐Yes, ☐ No
a. If yes, what is the extent of your participation? ☐ Very active, ☐ Somewhat active, ☐ Not very active.
b. Are you involved in leadership of the organization? ☐ Yes, ☐ No.
10. How would you describe your prayer life? ☐ Without ceasing, ☐ Daily-almost daily, ☐Often, ☐Hit and miss, ☐Seldom, ☐Never or almost never.
11. How are your prayers being answered? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. Are you involved in any kind of serious, regular Bible study? ☐Yes, ☐ No
Briefly describe: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
13. Do you have a daily/almost daily “quiet time” with the Lord? ☐ Yes, ☐ No
Briefly describe: _____________________________________________________
14. Do you have any scripture committed to memory? ☐Yes, ☐No
15. Are you working on memorizing scripture? ☐Yes, ☐No
16. Are you closer to or farther from the Lord today than you were a year ago? ☐Closer, ☐ Farther, ☐Don’t know.
17. Do you think others see Christ in you? ☐ Yes, ☐ No. Why/why not? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
18. When was the last time you were asked the “magic” question, or shared your testimony, or shared the gospel, or explained to someone how to receive Christ? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
19. Have you been baptized? ☐Yes, ☐No.
20. What is your attitude toward other Christians? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
21. What is your attitude toward non-Christians? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
22. Describe the last time you did something or said something that made God look good? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
23. Are you on the lookout for opportunities to share Christ, or give to the poor, or help others, or work out your salvation (Phil 2:12-13) in other ways? ☐ Always, ☐ When I think about it, ☐ Not really very much, ☐ No/never
24. Do you care who gets the credit? Please explain: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________