Page 21. Angry!!

silver tabby cat

Many years ago shortly after I prayed to receive Christ as my personal savior we were attending an independent Bible church.  The preaching/teaching was really good and I was soaking it up.  However, the young pastor said or did something (I don’t remember now what it was) that annoyed/bugged/angered me so I made a lunch date with him where I was going to “unload” on him.  Before the date of the lunch I ran across Eph 4:29 “Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment that it may give grace to those who hear.”  Yikes!! 

What to do?  I had a long list of some pretty harsh criticism I thought he needed to hear.

Well, the Holy Spirit did his job and I was under major conviction to comply with Eph 4:29.  I stifled my intention and we had  a pleasant lunch and eventually became good friends.