Page 14. Anxiety

Are you nervous, anxious, worried, depressed, unhappy, wondering, wandering, out of sorts, cranky, angry, put out, apprehensive, distraught, upset, troubled, concerned, scared, frustrated, down hearted, discouraged, hopeless, etc.  The apostle Paul  in his letter to the Philippian Church-Christians says, no problem.  “Be anxious for nothing”.  That’s fine for him to say to them but what about us??  Does this apply to us Christians, now, in  the year 2021?  And does he really mean NOTHING.  Nothing is a lot of stuff.  Isn’t that just a little presumptuous?  Paul doesn’t have the slightest idea what I am going through right now.  He obviously hasn’t  heard of the Covid 19 virus?

Then he has the audacity to say, “but in EVERYTHING”.  Holy cow, as Harry Caray would say (some of you probably don’t remember Harry Caray, the long time announcer for the Chicago Cubs).  Everything is a lot of stuff.

“By prayer and supplication”.  Prayer I understand.  I pray-talk to God all the time but supplication suggests humble pleading, deep entreaty, begging.  This is sounding serious.

“With thanksgiving”.  Now wait a minute.  You don’t yet know what I am going to beg-plead for.  How can I be thankful when I don’t yet know the outcome?  It might not be what I want and I have enough experience in this department to know that God doesn’t always answer the way I want Him to.

“Let your requests be known to God”   OK, I can do that but why should I?  Is that going to solve my anxiety problem?


“And the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”  Now, remember who this is being written to, Christians.  This only works if you are a Christian.  If you aren’t a Christian, go back and read Page 2.  After you have read page 2, if you still aren’t a Christian, you are “out of luck”, you will just continue in your anxiety. I know you have heard it said that the cause of and solution to all of life’s problems is alcohol and/or money.  If that’s what you are counting on, you are in for a big surprise.  There is no peace greater than the peace of God.

Phil 4:6-7 “Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

I can attest to the truth/validity of this scripture.  I and my family have experienced some fairly unpleasant (and joyful) circumstances over the years and I have prayed this passage and I have received the peace of God.  Try it, you’ll like it.